Our Story

Our Story

How did you first meet?


Wilson – Here is my version of the story.

Have you heard about the Butterfly Effect? The idea comes from the Chaos Theory – a branch of mathematics. The Butterfly Effect explains how a small change in one state of a system can result in substantial differences in a later state, e.g., a butterfly flapping its wings in China can cause a hurricane in Texas.

I don’t believe in destiny but I do believe in the power of our actions. The fact that I met Janice one day could simply be explained by a random sequence of events. But deciding to share the rest of my life with her is not one of those coincidences.

On a Friday night, after having dinner at my friend’s place, we decided to leave the apartment and hang out at a bar near his house. Around 10:00 pm, we went to a bar for the night, which is one of my favorite places in Houston. This restaurant/bar had live music that day. Our initial plan was to sit at the bar, talk and drink – An idea that was hard to keep. I could not let the night go by without having a moment to dance my salsa. So, I slowly but with confidence approached the dance floor.

There she was.

One song was enough to see the beauty in her heart and her mind.

And that was our very first memory of our love story.

Janice – And here is what really happened…

Everything started with a dance ♫ As it turns out, the first time I went out dancing in Houston was on January 22, 2016. A dear Peruvian friend invited me to a place she enjoyed. In an instant, I got lost in the sounds of music, and a guy with the look of a well-stepped dancer appeared before me. Who do you think it was? It wasn’t the typical Latin hero known as the Chapulín Colorado! It was Wilson who arrived like a burglar in the night and stole my heart. He initially wanted to dance salsa like a slow dance, but my strong will and straight face stopped him in an instant. Between contention and laughs, we started to dance.

Our relationship has been like a dance since its beginnings. We moved two steps forward and took out time to get to know each other’s moves, and so on. We allowed our mutual understanding to grow until I felt he flooded my heart with love.

Where are you going for your honeymoon?


We still haven’t decided on our honeymoon plans. What we do know now is that we are blessed to have many of the people we love together, including you.

Immediately after the wedding, we are looking forward to spending the holidays together in Puerto Rico.

What is your favorite food?


Wilson – If you ever make arepas with avocado and cheese, I sure will be there. I also love empanadas and sandwiches with ham, chicken, and cheese – especially the ones made with my hometown’s bread.

I was also never a big fan of seafood and sushi. Of course, after meeting Janice, all this changed. This menu is now one of my favorite foods.

Janice – First, I have to admit I am surprised that Wilson mentioned limited himself to specifying two things he likes as his favorite foods. He (and I will admit that I too) could probably eat stones if they were well seasoned.

My favorite foods are everything and anything that has seafood and fish. That said, I’ll take a yummy to the tummy homemade porkrine any day of the week!

What is your favorite drink?


Wilson – Not a big drinker now but when it comes to alcohol I would say beers. My favorites are Celis White (Belgian) and Blue Moon – not too light not too heavy.

If the occasion takes us until the next day, then whiskey will be my best choice.

Janice – I absolutely love coconut water. I have fantasies where there are dozens of coconuts waiting for me every time I return home to Puerto Rico. Once here and there it’s not uncommon to add just a little of rum.

Another favorite is the fruit and guava based sangria locally made at my godfather, Luis Ramos’s house. It’s a religious experience. If you’ve had one, you know what I mean….

Where would you like to live?


Wilson – The question with no answer. If I were a magician, I would build three homes. One in Houston, another one in Puerto Rico, and last but not least, one in my home country, Colombia.

My wish will be to live in these three houses only when we were already exhausted from traveling and living the world as much as our minds and bodies allow.

Janice – The gypsy within me continually makes me wonder about picking up my stuff and seeing the world. The sober and reflective part of me, has me yearn my home, the coquis, and even that bothersome roster that will probably end up in a stew during one of my visits to Puerto Rico.

Another part of me has me dreaming of discovering and loving Colombia as much as I love Wilson. I look forward to the day I can find the treasures it has in its nature, the people and above all in the family that is adopting me as another child of its land. Even though I still have not been in Colombia, I feel immense desire to be close to the Colombia that engendered the loving man that Wilson is.

I also feel gratitude and a profound sense of connectedness from living in Houston. I hope to continue living here for a long while. The beautiful people, my work, and the chaos of the city that fill my life have me wanting to be there shortly and episodically as part of the fantasy.  Similar to Wilson, having three homes is the dream.

Any hobbies?


Wilson – I have two categories here. The things I actually do as a hobby: exercising, teaching myself stuff on YouTube and Google, photography, building websites, reading/listening to audiobooks.

And the things I always try to add to my list of hobbies but I never do: play the piano – I have one that I barely use, mountain biking, write, play volleyball, swimming, painting, meditation, and the list goes on and on…

Janice – I’m not entirely sure I would call it a hobby? Among the activities, I make part of my daily routine there is listening to music, jogging, cooking new dishes, watching television, and reading psychology related books.

I love high-end fashion, yet am a bargain shopper with all sorts of love for coupons. Other hobbies I would like to pursue more consistently are dancing, bike riding, and playing volleyball.

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Thank you

We want to thank everyone for the support and the excitement shared since our engagement last year. Our planning is going smoothly – so far so good – and this is all thanks to many of you who have stepped up and offered to help with so many different aspects of our big day. We cannot wait to see you to share and celebrate our  Happily Ever After.

Be part of our story

3 Comments to “Our Story”

    1. Olga Ruiz

      Hola, me encanta la originalidad de su website y su historia. Can’t wait for that wedding. God bless you guys. Will see you soon.

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